A Comparision of Serious Brushcutters
Who is this aimed at?
People with large rural blocks who want advice on the pros and cons of 2 stroke and 4 stroke brushcutters and their attachments.
Who is writing it?
I own 56Ha or 140acres of very fertile, wet land in the high rainfall belt of sub-topical south east Queensland in Australia. I grow trees. My property has a large number of weeds including woody weeds and tall rank pastures.
Safety WarningThese are powerful machines and you should always read the manual in full before using them. Follow all instructions and wear safety gear. I will not cut without:
If you don’t think you need to wear this type of safety gear, you don’t need a machine like these. |
2 Stroke vs 4 Stroke?I have both. My 2 stroke is a Stihl FS450. The 4 Stroke is a Honda U425. In laymans terms the Stihl is a beast and the Honda is a medium machine. They each have their pros and cons. I’ve also used the Husqvana 325Rx 2 stroke machine which feels the lightest and more powerful than the Honda. Lets start with what they have in common. Common PointsSerious brushcutters :
Specs of models I’m comparing.It’s all about power and weight. These are all metric figures taken from the manufacturers website and are dry weights without cutting heads.
Main Differences2 Stroke
4 Stroke
HeadsThere are 3 basic types each with some variations. Cord or Line HeadsAutomatic or bump feed (photo)Pro:
Manual feed (photo)Pro:Allows thicker cord that can get closer to matching it with a blade Con:
3 Blade (photo)Pro:
4 Blade Grass (photo)Pro:
Chainsaw Head (photo)Pro:
Weed Whacker (photo)Pro:
What do I recommend?
- The biggest, most powerful machine you can carry or that you are sure will get the job done (my view – I am 100kg and 187cm and attack the big ‘clearing’ jobs)
- The smallest, least powerful machine you need to do the job you have to (my wife’s view – 50kg, 162cm and she does the repeat ‘maintenance’ jobs)
- Too big is better than too small.
- Any of these machines is great.
Get them all. They’re cheap. Use the one that best suits the job.
Brand / Store:
I will only buy from
- a store that also services the things they sell
- a specialist shop that can get you accessories and advise on the right one for the job
- stocks more than one top shelf brand
- The biggest, most powerful machine you can carry or that you are sure will get the job done.
- Too big is better than too small.
- Any of these machines is great.
Get them all. They’re cheap. Use the one that best suits the job.
Brand / Store:
I will only buy from
- a store that also services the things they sell
- a specialist shop that can get you accessories and advise on the right one for the job
- stocks more than one top shelf brand
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